About Us
Cognia Accreditation
We are delighted to announce that Salahaldin International School has been reaccredited for another five years in May 2021.
Accreditation is a quality assurance process and an international protocol for institutions committed to systemic, systematic, and sustainable improvement; it builds the capacity of the school to increase and sustain student learning, and it stimulates and improves effectiveness and efficiency throughout the school.

Product Quality Index
Energy Generation
This is a verification that our school has complied with Cognia (AdvancED) quality standards. Cognia is the global leader in providing continuous improvement and accreditation services to over 36,000 institutions serving 25 million students worldwide. The organization has the largest community of education professionals globally, and it conducts rigorous, on-site external reviews of Pre K-12 schools and school systems to ensure that all learners realize their full potential. The organization’s commitment is to help schools improve.
We are proud that SIS has scored 315 in IEQ (Index of Education Quality), significantly higher than the worldwide IEQ range 278-283.
An IEQ of 275 and above indicates the institution is beginning to reach the Impact level and is engaged in practices that are sustained over time and are becoming ingrained in the institution’s culture.
Our school was evaluated based on domains of
Worldwide Average IEQ Range
IBDP (International Baccalaureate Diploma Program)
We are pleased to announce that the school got accredited for International Baccalaureate Diploma Program and is now declared as an IBDP School.
We would like to present our greatest gratitude for all of our amazing students, wonderful parents, and dedicated teachers and administrators who contributed to the Accreditation process by their valuable efforts.

Product Quality Index
Energy Generation